Our home is located six blocks from east/west and north/south Trax stops and one block from east/west and north/south bus stops. This fact is important. Notice that there is no “car” cost included in our budget. With only $11.36 over our three-week experiment, we would not be able afford a car, so it will remain in the driveway.
While we regularly eat out, we will not be visiting any of our favorite restaurants over the next three weeks.
We will not be able celebrate a birthday with a movie out. Further, we will have to forgo our Netflix films. If we had cable TV we would have needed to forgo that as well.
We also put away one of our mobile phones.
So how would living in poverty affect you? How close are you to where you work? How close to public transportation? Would you need to give up your a car? Most of your entertainment? Your phone? And what about travel? Even if you needed to travel for a funeral or a wedding, that expense would end up on your credit card. How many small purchases are you making each day and taking for granted - a coffee, a magazine, an afternoon snack, or lunch out with friends? Living on a restricted income puts families in a position where not only the major decisions have to be considered but every purchase has to be considered.

Shawn and Megan
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